$(document).ready(function() { $('#check_in_date' ).datepicker ({ dateFormat : 'dd/mm/yy', minDate : '19/09/2024', numberOfMonths : 2, onClose : function ( selectedDate ) { $('#check_out_date').datepicker ( 'option', 'minDate', selectedDate ); } }); $('#check_out_date').datepicker ({ dateFormat : 'dd/mm/yy', minDate : '19/09/2024', numberOfMonths : 2, onClose : function ( selectedDate ) { $( '#check_in_date' ).datepicker ( 'option', 'maxDate', selectedDate ); } }); $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ disableDragging: true, height: 40, eventClick: function(event, jsEvent, view) { //alert( $(this).css('background-color')); // Get the case number in the row // pos X clicked on the row / total width of the row * 100 (to percent) / (percent of 7 days by week) var caseNumber = Math.floor((Math.abs(jsEvent.offsetX + jsEvent.currentTarget.offsetLeft) / $(this).parent().parent().width() * 100) / (100 / 7)); // Get the table var table = $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().children(); $(table).each(function(){ // Get the thead if($(this).is('thead')){ var tds = $(this).children().children(); var dateClicked = $(tds[caseNumber]).attr("data-date"); //alert(dateClicked); } }); }, header: { left: 'prev,next', center: 'title', right: '' }, events: [ ] }); /*form = dialog.find( "form" ).on( "submit", function( event ) { alert("test"); });*/ }); var price_arr = JSON.parse('null'); var room_type_arr = JSON.parse('null'); var available = JSON.parse('null'); var room_type_html = ""; room_type_html += '
'; function select_all_room_type(val){ for(k=1;k<=7;k++) { if (($("#allt_type"+k).length > 0)){ $("#allt_type"+k).val(val); if(check_date(true)){ room_rate(k); } $('#allt_type_name').val($('#allt_type').find(':selected').text()); } } } function room_select_html(i){ var room_select_html = ""; room_select_html += ''; return room_select_html; } var count = ; setTimeout( function() { if( count == 0 ) { $("#no_rate").css("display", "block"); } } , 1000); /* { textColor: '#000000', color: '#ff9f89', title: 'HKD3500', url: 'http://google.com/', start: '2015-02-28' }, */